We can build custom online calculation tools for any conceivable business need.
Many of our clients have proprietary business knowledge that is vital for delivering their services – often in the form of spreadsheets. These spreadsheets have been used for calculating anything from carbon emissions to home energy consumption or whole life costing for buildings. Often, these spreadsheets represent years of experience and research, and require expert consultancy to use as a tool for advising or informing their customers.
Turning these spreadsheets –or any other form of business knowledge– into an online calculation tool integrated with a website can bring many benefits. You can reach a wider audience, using the calculator as a sales tool to drive engagement with your other services. You can automate time-consuming manual processes and consultation, saving your staff time to deliver added value in other areas. You can raise your profile and reputation for expertise.
Our calculation tools include:
- Complex, multi-step input forms
- Dynamic charts and graphs
- Downloadable reports
- Permissioning systems
- User dashboards
- Custom branded calculators
- API integration with external data
- and much more!